Serving All of Berkshire County
No Nonsense Legal Representation
Personalized Attention
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Over 20 Years of Experience
Thank you for considering my services to help resolve your family law issues. With over 20 years of experience, I am being able to focus on personal service. Let me explain to you why mediation is the dignified, timely, and affordable way to resolve disputes and move on with life.
I am a lifelong resident of Berkshire County and have been practicing law in Pittsfield since 2004. As an attorney, I have represented hundreds and hundreds of clients going through complicated changes in their lives due to divorces and child custody. I am a qualified mediator under UDR rule 8 and MGL chapter 233 ss 23C. I am also a certified mediator and member of the MA Bar.
After 2 decades of litigating family law cases, I have learned a few things - #1 These cases are stressful and create more bitterness between the parties; #2 These cases take a long time to resolve, especially with the courts more backed up than ever before; and #3 These cases are expensive and drain resources that could be used elsewhere. If you decide to litigate, expect to pay a local attorney a retainer fee of $5,000.00 per party.
Mediation is about finding the common goals between the parties and how to work cooperatively to craft the best solution for your unique family and circumstances. Come to Attorney Marc C. Vincelette to get the help that you need. My process of mediation usually takes less than a month to complete. I will then draft all the legal documents needed, explain the process to schedule and present your case to the court.
In the great majority of cases, you will have a simple and brief hearing before the judge outlining the terms of your agreement. The total cost of our mediation process is $3,995.00 per case. This is less than one party would pay just to begin litigation. We will also go over payment options at the consultation. For more information on how our mediation process works, email our office at
Are you ready to save time, stress, and money? Time and time again, mediation is the logical and effective way to resolve your differences. Contact Attorney Marc C. Vincelette today.
Experienced Mediator
Call us today for a FREE consultation.
(413) 997-4529
"The mediation of my case was inexpensive and done in a few weeks - just as advertised. It was well worth every dime. A+ service and results. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!"
Former Client T.M. - Facebook Review
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